The objects of the Club are: To further the breeding and exhibiting of Scottish Terriers; To promote a further interest of the breed and exhibiting by novices, and thus encouraging them to take a greater interest in the breed; To advance the interest in the breed by holding Members Limited, Open and Championship Shows at which Special Classes will be held for beginners, and to run breeders and other stakes as advisable. Membership of the STB&EA gives you the following advantages: A copy of the annual Year Book. This contains Members' advertisements, articles of general interest, awards at Championship Shows and lists with names and addresses of all fellow members; The opportunity to purchase a range of Scottie accessories and memorabilia; All overseas members receive an annual newsletter in August / September which includes information needed for advertising in the yearbook, Scottie news and details of Club activities which have taken place in the first half of the year.
President: Miss. Jane Miller
Chairman: Miss. Clair Chapman
Honorary Life Members: Mrs. Sue Baker, Mrs. Anne Dauncey, Miss. Jane Miller, Mr. Paul Newman, Miss. Catherine Owen
Secretary: Mrs. Anne Dauncey
Treasurer: Ms. Helen Axford
Show Manager: Mr. Richard Corney
Honorary Cup Steward: Mr. P Greenwood
Committee: Mr Richard Corney, Mr Andrew Dauncey, Mrs M Greenwood, Mr P Greenwood, Mrs S Knight, Mrs Barbara Mahmoudi, Miss B Maidment, Mrs Liz Tyler, Mr J Whitby & Mrs Deborah Wilde.
Breed Council Delegates: Miss Clair Chapman, Mrs Barbara Mahmoudi,