In the following definitions a Challenge Certificate includes any show award that counts towards the title of Champion under the rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club. Show awards issued by the Irish Kennel Club which count towards the title of Champion shall be Five Point Green Stars or more. Wins at Championship shows in breed classes where Challenge Certificates are not on offer shall be counted as wins at Open shows.
Minor Puppy For dogs of 6 and not exceeding 9 calendar months of age on the day of the show.
Puppy For dogs of 6 and not exceeding 12 calendar months of age on the day of the show.
Junior For dogs of 6 and not exceeding 18 calendar months of age on the day of the show.
Maiden For dogs which have not won a First Prize at any show (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy classes excepted whether restricted or not).
Novice For dogs which have not won 3 First Prizes at any show (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy classes excepted whether restricted or not).
Graduate For dogs which have not won 4 or more First Prizes at Open or Championship shows in Graduate, Post Graduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open classes whether restricted or not.
Limit For dogs which have not won 7 or more First Prizes in all at Open or Championship shows in Limit and Open classes, confined to the breed, whether restricted or not.
Open For all dogs of the breeds for which the class is provided and eligible for entry at the show.
Special Triers Owner never having won a Challenge Certificate in the breed, handled by owner throughout the show.
Special Beginners For Owner, Handler or Exhibit never having won a First Prize at any show.